Animal Welfare Training AWT
Training, education and consultancy in animal welfare worldwide
Who we are

Andy Butterworth
27 years of veterinary practice, and pure and applied research, 18 years of international consultancy & animal welfare training.
1992 - 1998 - Veterinarian in mixed practice in Scotland and England.
1998 - 2019 - Reader - University of Bristol, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, UK.
2001 - Animal Welfare Training Ltd.
Diplomate of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine, EBVS European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law,
MRCVS, Member Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Member of AWC ( Animal Welfare Committee )
( 2012 – 2023 ), EFSA AHAW Panel ( 2015 – 2018 ), Member of the Council of Management of British Poultry Science
Involved in standard development and welfare training for animal production staff, Vets, Government & Industry across UK, Europe, USA, Asia, Africa, South America and Australia and NZ.

Paul Whittington
37 years of pure and applied research, 27 years of international consultancy & farm animal welfare training.
1973 - 1991 - Scientific Officer - Meat Research Institute and Food Research Institute, Bristol, UK.
1991 - 2010 - Research / Teaching Fellow - University of Bristol, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, UK. FAO Invited expert on Animal Welfare Training.
2010 - 2022 - Previous Director - Animal Welfare Training Ltd.
Paul acts as a consultant within AWT and contributes to the ongoing planning and direction of AWT activities.